Studio With Former Bungie Members Announces Fallen Frontier

Developer Moonshot Games has officially unveiled their inaugural project, Fallen Frontier. The title is a side scrolling 2D shooter that will, according to Moonshot, feature “fast-paced tactical combat, vast interconnected worlds, and an original hard sci-fi universe.”  The trailer briefly introduces us to the protagonist who has traveled to Alpha Centauri on some sort of revenge mission.  Gameplay looks to be centered on shooting and platforming, but the dev claims that events are going to be presented in a manner reminiscent of a film noir mystery.  In addition, gamers will be getting their hands on a grappling hook type item that shows shades of Capcom’s Bionic Commando.

Astute Bungie fanatics are probably already aware of Moonshot’s connections to the powerhouse studio.  For the uninitiated however, its staff includes three employees who formerly made key contributions to the Halo franchise.  Michael Bastion (Managing Director) was a producer on the first three Halo games, Damian Isla (Director of Technology) developed AI for the second and third titles in the series and Rob Stokes (Creative Director) was the Design Lead on Halo 3.

Gamers intrigued by Fallen Frontier’s initial footage won’t have to wait long for a chance to play the shooter. Attendees of Penny Arcade Expo (March 11-13) will be able to play the game in just a few days.  Those of you not making the trek to Boston this weekend can count on MTB to bring you our full hands-on impressions from the show floor.

Source: Joystiq

Image courtesy of Moonshot Games

Nick Santangelo
Nick Santangelo
Nick Santangelo

MASH Veteran

Nick has been a gamer since the 8-bit days and a member of the MTB editorial team since January of 2011. He is not to be interrupted while questing his way through an RPG or desperately clinging to hope against all reason that his Philly sports teams will win any given game he may be watching. Seriously folks, reading this acknowledges that you relieve MTB of any and all legal liability for his actions.

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