
So earlier this morning, I got a little nostalgic and decided to check up on my World of Warcraft characters.  I login to and guess what I find?  A login queue!  I’ve encountered these logging into the game and battlegrounds, but a queue to the actual website, who would have thunk it?  It’s not like we didn’t know that WoW was popular but this definitely adds another feather to it’s cap.  As for me, the nostalgia quickly wore off when I saw the 2 hour 30+ minute wait.

UPDATE: So this maybe the result of some maintenance being performed. Though the following post was made 10 hours ago –

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Source)
This is the result of some maintenance we have going on. Sorry for the inconvenience, this is a temporary effect, and should clear up shortly. >^.^<

Jeffrey Yep
Jeffrey Yep
Jeffrey Yep

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Squad Goals #86: Temu Furiosa
February 13th, 2025

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