No love on Valentines Day? No problem, we got ya covered! [Magicka Giveaway]

Valentines Day can be the loneliest day of the year for some.  Not everyone has that special someone to share it with.  While we can’t give you that special someone, we can definitely give you a game to help you pass the time without crying yourself to sleep.  On February 14th we will be giving away five copies of Magicka for Steam, courtesy of Paradox Interactive.  Instead of inhaling that box of chocolates you bought yourself, you can spend the night combining spells and blowing enemies away.  Before you get too excited, this love isn’t free.  We can’t just give copies to just anyone so here is the deal.

Three keys will be given away via Twitter.  You will need to be the first to answer one of the trivia questions we are going to ask based on the Magicka demo.  So I would play that this weekend if you already haven’t.  The questions will begin at 3pm EST, so make sure you’re following @mtbsite by that time so you can play.  The next way to win is by the caption contest that we will start on Sunday.  On Sunday we will post a picture from Magicka.  The person that comes up with the best caption will win a copy.  The winner will be picked on Monday at 8pm EST Tuesday at 10pm EST.  For the last copy…  Well, that’s a surprise.  I can tell you that it will be given away on Twitter right after the winner is picked for the caption contest.  So to break it down:

1. Follow @mtbsite (and @PDXinteractive since they were nice enough to provide some free copies).

2. Play the Magicka demo on Steam.

3. Check us out on Sunday for the caption contest.

4. Be on Twitter at 3pm EST on Monday (February 14th) for 3 chances to win and 8pm EST for a final chance to win.

Good luck to all and hope to see you on Twitter on Monday.

Jarret Redding
Jarret Redding
Jarret Redding

Executive Director

Jarret is Executive Director as well as one of the founding members of Mash Those Buttons. He plays all types of games, but tends to lean more toward FPS, Stealth, and Combat games.

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