Funny how we were just talking about these guys, isn’t it? Arrowhead Game Studios is back at it again, continuing the comedic smorgasbord that was Magicka. Now it’s taking a swing at parodying even more genres with Magicka: Vietnam. Ditching some of the fantasy theme from the base game for a look at Vietnam from the perspective of Wizard GIs, the new DLC looks to inject some of the humor we’ve come to expect into a gritty and vicious jungle. We’ll being seeing the DLC add-on land on April 12th for the reasonable price of $4.99. There’s even more info below, along with the Best. Adapted. Song. Ever. in a trailer:
Magicka: Vietnam release date set!
First screenshots smuggled out of the jungle!
NEW YORK – March 31st, 2011— Your friendly neighborhood wizards at Paradox Interactive and Arrowhead Game Studios have managed to focus their considerable powers and set a release date for the first major Magicka DLC, Magicka: Vietnam, as well as releasing 10 spanking new screenshots! Ah, I love the smell of screen grabs in the morning! Magicka: Vietnam will be available on all major digital distribution channels on the 12th of April for $4.99
All players will be able to play Magicka: Vietnam as long as the player hosting the session has purchased the DLC!
Have you ever wondered what it would have been like if wizards were allowed to roam the jungles of war-torn Vietnam, attempting to bring peace and stability to the region by casting spells on all opponents? Magicka: Vietnam features a lengthy challenge scenario that puts you in the combat boots and stylish robe of a Wizard GI. Venture deep into the Goblin-Cong jungle with up to three fellow soldiers in a heroic attempt to liberate prisoners from a POW camp and face off against deadly Vietnam themed enemies. Destroy enemy positions, escape the perils of the jungle and return safely to the evacuation helicopter (“Get to the chopper!!”).
Magicka: Vietnam also contains a new survival challenge map with increased difficulty in direct response to the request from the community. In the Magickal jungles of Vietnam you’ll have an array of Vietnam-era weapons and a special Magick that calls in a napalm strike on enemy positions. Players will of course still have access to what makes Magicka truly unique – the dynamic spell casting system and a healthy dose of humour.
Check out the previously released announcement trailer here: blow yourself to bits by playing the demo on Steam: the latest news on Magicka:
Oh, and here’s that release trailer for you, because you need to see it right now. That’s right, it’s so awesome that the time spent clicking one link to see it would lessen your life.

There used to be an embeded media player here, but it doesn't work anymore. We blame the Tumbeasts.
And there’s also those new screenshots, which you can take a look at under ‘related images’ on the right or down below. Seriously, who loves you? Mash Those Buttons does, that’s who.
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