Japan’s Weekly Famitsu magazine recently reported on the Wii action RPG Pandora’s Tower; Andriasang has passed along all the juicy details. The game will have a major focus on action (as seen in the trailer below) and will revolve around main character Ende’s quest to remove a curse that plagues a heroine by the name of Ceres. Your main weapon is called the Orichalcum Chain and it can be swung to grab enemies, snag items and activate mechanisms. A localized North American version is yet to be announced, but Japanese gamers will be able to get their hands on Pandora’s Tower on May 26.
The game will be set in the kingdom of Elysium which lies on the continent of Graecia. The story begins with Ceres preparing to sing at a harvest festival, but things go awry when menacing beasts crash the party. Ende finds an unconscious Ceres during the ensuing pandemonium and absconds with her while the army, hoping to question her in regards to the beasties, is in hot pursuit. Ceres learns that she has somehow contracted the aforementioned curse from said beasts. The only solution is for Ende to collect the flesh of creatures who inhabit twelve towers.
The Orichalcum Chain that Ende wields keeps track of the state of the curse placed on Ceres via an on screen timer. Collecting flesh from regular monster encounters temporarily halts the countdown, which will lead to Ceres’ death if it reaches zero. Each tower will culminate in a boss fight on the top level. In order to permanently cure Ceres, players will need to (you guessed it) acquire the flesh of each of the twelve bosses.
With the Wii’s future lineup being as bare as it has ever been (Zelda aside), localizing Ganbarion’s RPG would seem like a no brainer. Hopefully, we’ll get an announcement in that regard from Nintendo at E3. The publisher still has not given any indication that they will bring other Japanese heavy hitters The Last Story and Xenoblade stateside though, so who knows.

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Sources: Joystiq, Andriasang and Nintendo of Japan
Image courtesy of Gamechy.