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Back in the late 90s, I found myself anticipating something unlike anything I had ever anticipated before: the release of EAD’s The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. If the mere prospect of a 3D (old 3D definition) Zelda game wasn’t enough to get fans hyper-excited on its own, then the amazing trailer that ran in theaters certainly was enough to put all of us over the top. With just days left until the 3DS remake releases, Nintendo has unleashed a very similar trailer.
For someone like myself who first stepped out of Link’s tree-house back in 1998, the graphical bump is simply astounding. Younger gamers who grew up in a different era may not be as impressed by the visuals; but trust me, developer Grezzo has done an exemplary job on the remake’s graphics. The wait for its Sunday release just got all the more difficult. And while the wait for it will probably be slightly less agonizing, you can also look forward to my full review sometime shortly thereafter.
[Image via Game Rant.]