PS3 System Update Coming Soon

I'm not going to lie to you; it's really not that exciting.

The PS3 has had a number of updates over the years, and it’s now almost time for yet another one.   Here’s the extremely detailed rundown of what’s in store: “A new PS3 system software update, v3.66, will be released soon. With this minor update, system stability during use of PS3 format software and network services has been improved.”

And there you have it.

[Source: PlayStation Blog]

[Image via PS3 Crunch.]

Nick Santangelo
Nick Santangelo
Nick Santangelo

MASH Veteran

Nick has been a gamer since the 8-bit days and a member of the MTB editorial team since January of 2011. He is not to be interrupted while questing his way through an RPG or desperately clinging to hope against all reason that his Philly sports teams will win any given game he may be watching. Seriously folks, reading this acknowledges that you relieve MTB of any and all legal liability for his actions.

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February 28th, 2025

WE'RE STILL ON KADARA!?!? How much more is there to do??? An Architect? An outpost? A party??? Lets get drunk!!!