Comic Con 2011 Panel: “The Science of Zombies”

Deep Silver Presents at Comic Con 2011 a discussion of the threat of a “Real Zombie Apocalypse.”


Deep Silver recently announced that they will be hosting a panel at Comic Con 2011 that is a blend of pop culture and real medical science on zombies called the “The Science of Zombies.”  The panel is set to take place July 22 at 7:30p.m.  The panel will consist of several creative talents and the nation’s leading medical professionals.

· Max Brooks, universal zombie expert and author of The Zombie Survival Guide, World War Z and The Zombie Survival Guide: Recorded Attacks

· Haris Orkin, writer of the anticipated video game, Dead Island

· Steve Schlozman, M.D., author of The Zombie Autopsies and assistant professor of psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

· Bradley Voytek, Ph.D., Post-doctoral Fellow: Neuroscience, University of California, San Francisco

· Andrew Groen, freelance journalist and editor of GamePro Magazine’s “Real Science” column

· Bruce Geryk, M.D., Resident Physician, Department of Neurosurgery, University of North Carolina Hospitals

With this panel, I think is will be a very interesting discussion!  Dead Island is Deep Silver’s new upcoming zombie action RPG; which focuses heavily on melee combat.  Players will be able to customize their character with a vast array of weapons.  As well as play with up to four players in co-op mode.  Dead Island is set to release September 6, 2011 and for a limited time with GameStop preorders are being automatically upgraded to the Special Edition.  So go preorder you copy now and see if you can survive a zombie apocalypse!

Cathy Rouleau
Cathy Rouleau
Cathy Rouleau

MASH Veteran

Cathy enjoys playing video games to relax/escape from a long day. She really likes puzzle games as well as games that have a strong female lead. She is also kind of a poor gamer (as in money), so she tends to pick her games carefully. That way she can get the maximum fun for the cheapest cost.

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