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Yes, you’ve seen footage of the Silent Cartographer level out of E3 already; that much is true. However, in even the short time since then, 343 Industries has been able to bump up the visuals in Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary to an even more impressive level.
Those of you that have listened to any of our Mashcasts, know that I’m a huge Halo fan. The overhaul they have given to the best campaign in the series is looking spectacular and I can’t wait to get my hands on it this fall. They’ve shown us the trick before, but it’s still incredibly striking to see the visuals flicked between retro and modern at a flick of a button. It really makes you appreciate just what 343 has accomplished here, and it’s got me far more excited for this remake than I am for Halo 4. Experiencing CE all over again in a brand new light is going to be an absolute blast.
[Video via The Inquisitr.]