Hellgate Becomes an Open Beta Tonight

No, seriously. Hellgate is coming back. What reason would we have to lie to you? Stop doubting us.

HellgateThis could be you!

After going through an extensive closed beta period, Hellgate will be officially going into open beta status for North America and Europe as of tonight.  Once 7:30 EST rolls around, players will be able to head back into the world of Hellgate.  Unless of course, everyone jumps on at once, it causes the servers to crash, and then everyone heads back to whine on their respective internet message boards.  Or it could just end up running smoothly and without a hitch.  Find out for yourselves tonight, people!

Publisher T3 Entertainment is celebrating the release of the open beta with a bevy of content at launch.  Aside from a new PvP mode, T3 will also be holding half a dozen world events to get players into the thick of it.  Interested gamers can get ready for tonight’s opening ceremonies by heading over to T3 Entertainment and getting their accounts registered.

Jason Wersits
Jason Wersits
Jason Wersits

MASH Veteran

Jason Wersits is a Senior Editor for Mash Those Buttons. A lifetime resident of New Jersey and a diehard Starcraft fan, Jason spends the bulk of his time on the site working with the review staff to cover the games you care oh so much about.

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