Atlantica Online Getting A New Type of Battle Mode

Just in case Atlantica players needed another reason to fight it out, they now have a tower defense option.

 Atlantica Online
Who’s ready for some good old fashioned tower defense? I hope the players of Atlantica Online are, because they are getting a new tower defense battle mode. The new content expansion is called Spelltower Siege, and it will be releasing on September 7th. The battles will be on a scale of 50 vs. 50. The attacking team consists of people from five different servers, and the server whose members contribute the most to the battle will have their server declared the winning server.

The winners will gain control of the tower for an entire week, and they will also receive loot, buffs, and rewards that will be shared throughout the entire server. The game lasts for about 50 minutes, and people with high Might will have a higher chance of getting to join these battles. These battles should shake things up in the Atlantica world, and players should be gearing up for the oncoming battles so they can get all the goods for their server.  It sounds like Nexon has a good for the future of its MMO here, and the fans will likely be pleased if they keep getting quality content like this.

Mikey Kenney
Mikey Kenney
Mikey Kenney

Podcast Host

Mikey has been playing fighting games since he could reach the arcade stick and buttons. While not be ever being tournament ready he strives to do better. Loves pure action games and enjoying bonkers jrpgs. He's just you're average gaymer.

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