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Just in case you needed to get your Farm fix and can’t access Facebook, Milkstone Studios has your back. Avatar Farm! is the new socially farm driven game for the Xbox 360. The game will have HD visuals and you can control you Xbox 360 avatar on your own farm. You will be able to plant, water, and grow different crops to earn money to decorate and customize your farm. While you’re away from the game the plants will still grow just like they do in other games similar to Farmville.
As you level up through farming, more crops and tools become available. When seasons change, other items will also be available that aren’t available during the previous seasons. Players can also check out whose farm is better than the others. Any future farmers can get this game in the Indie Games section in the Xbox Live Marketplace for 240 Microsoft Points. Check out the trailer above to check out what the game looks like before you rush out and buy it.
[video via Milkstone Studios]