D-Pad Studios Releases New Owlboy Trailer

Get ready for the old-school adventures of Owlboy.

The hard-working lads over at D-Pad Studios have officially released their new trailer for the upcoming and highly anticipated indie title, Owlboy.  The title is slated to be officially released on both PC and Xbox Indie Games platforms very soon, but D-Pad Studios will be releasing a demo later today to the public.  “We’re currently working out the very very last kinks, hoping to reach our Aug 20th deadline!” says Joremi Madsen.

[Video via D-Pad Studios]

[Image via D-Pad Studios]

Aaron Tomko
Aaron Tomko
Aaron Tomko

Guest Writer

Aaron has played games since before he could stand and has been doing so ever since. He is currently seeking a degree in game design and creates his own art.

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