First Screenshot of Tommy’s return in Prey 2

Look who's back!

Well look what we have here.  It looks like Bethesda got some Prey 1 in my Prey 2.  This isn’t really a shock as Bethesda had previously said that Tommy would be somewhere in Prey 2; but it’s still good to see something familiar since Prey 2’s look and feel is a far departure from the original.  Looks like he still has the original logo from Prey.  How come his jacket can survive traveling through the cosmos while mine looks dry and cracked after getting a little water on it?  Where can I buy that spray?

Jarret Redding
Jarret Redding
Jarret Redding

Executive Director

Jarret is Executive Director as well as one of the founding members of Mash Those Buttons. He plays all types of games, but tends to lean more toward FPS, Stealth, and Combat games.

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