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OK, nobody freak out here; let’s all just calm down, have a seat and breathe into paper bags. Footage of Sonic Generations has hit YouTube and it actually looks like something that would be fun to play. Sega’s latest crack at the franchise is definitely channeling the elements that once placed it at the forefront of the platformer genre. Yes, yes, this claim has been made about nearly every one of the Blue Blur’s console games over the past 15 years, and on a scale ranging from Big the Cat to Awesome, they have all come in precariously close to the Big end of the spectrum.
The latest footage of Generations shows off Sonic blazing his way through some sweet platforming action in levels that are direct remakes of the classic Chemical Plant and classic-ish City Escape. If the new video above does not manage to excite you, then there is only one explanation: you are too young to remember the appeal of having ‘tude in the ’90s. Now get off of my Green Hills Zone lawn with your crazy polygons, you damn kids!
[Source: YouTube]
[Image via Gossip Gamers.]