Zone of the Enders May Be Coming to 3DS

In related news, Jason Wersits just made an odd little squeal of joy.

Leave it to Hideo Kojima to throw a teaser image out on the web with little explanation.  After several years of telling Zone of the Enders fans that he would like to return to the franchise, a recent post on Kojima’s Twitter feed may be proof of a new ZOE title.  While little can be concretely interpreted from the above image taken from the tweet, it does appear to indicate that the Zone of the Enders franchise will make its way to Nintendo’s handheld in one form or another.

As much as I would love to hear the words Zone of the Enders 3 come out of some Konami employee’s mouth, there is always the (more likely) possibility that this new title may just be a portable remake of the previous ZOE title(s).  Considering the upcoming Metal Gear Solid 3DS remake and the HD collections of several Konami franchises coming soon to the 360 and PS3, a ZOE: The 2nd Runner port seems like the obvious outcome of the sly announcement.  Still, we can always hope.

[Source and Image: Kojima’s Twitter feed]

Jason Wersits
Jason Wersits
Jason Wersits

MASH Veteran

Jason Wersits is a Senior Editor for Mash Those Buttons. A lifetime resident of New Jersey and a diehard Starcraft fan, Jason spends the bulk of his time on the site working with the review staff to cover the games you care oh so much about.

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