Hideo Kojima took the stage during Sony’s TGS 2011 conference and everyone watching new something big was about to go down. Gaming’s godfather of stealth proceeded to announce a new package called Metal Gear Solid HD Edition that will arrive in 2012 on the Vita and contain remakes of Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3. The package will run on Kojima’s Fox Engine and will take advantage of Konami’s “Transfarring” service for system-to-system save, um, transferring.
He also revealed that Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker HD will release in November of this year in Japan. But that still wasn’t the extent of the remake revelations. Zone of the Enders HD is headed to both the PS3 and Vita in 2012 and will have remakes of both games in the franchise.
That sound you just heard was that of a million fanboys exploding from pure joy. And the two fans whose hearts are still beating are about to go over the edge; Kojima-san is also working on an original game powered by the Fox Engine as well.