Transmission T²: Diamond – The Minecraft ‘Friday’ Parody

You can go looking for diamond, just don't dig straight into some lava.

Rebecca Black became infamous overnight, all over one particular beloved day of the week. Like it or hate it, you play the song or the video anywhere and most people will instantly know what it is; regardless of whether or not they spend time on YouTube. What it says about us as a species that Friday became such a phenomenon is both scary and beyond me to completely explain.

What I do know is that anything popular enough will get parodied, and that has certainly been the case with Friday. This parody combines Minecraft and Rebecca Black’s opus, and turns it into Diamond.

There used to be an embeded media player here, but it doesn't work anymore. We blame the Tumbeasts.

I’m especially a fan of the Creeper-turned-MC. Minecraft itself is ‘kind of a big deal’ (read: huge deal), even though most people who don’t play it have no idea what you actually do in it. Penny Arcade, I think, summed it up best:

[Sources: YouTube, Penny Arcade]

Robert Hill-Williams
Robert Hill-Williams
Robert Hill-Williams

MASH Veteran

The only things Rob has been doing longer than gaming are breathing, sleeping, eating, and reading. RPGs were what made him view games as an experience instead of a distraction, but these days he likes and plays every genre gaming has to offer. Outside of his usual reviews and articles on MTB, you can find Rob on the weekly Mashcast and frequenting Twitter.

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