There used to be an embeded media player here, but it doesn't work anymore. We blame the Tumbeasts.
The 11/11/11 release date of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim now looms over us like one of the game’s great dragons perched majestically atop some awe-inspiring snow-covered ruins. All we can do is impatiently wait below in its shadow and ready our best dragon-shout before the 800 pound beast finally descends upon us and demands all focus be fixed solely on it. All other commitments will be callously cast aside as your controller is unsheathed, and you’ll call out sick from work on Monday with a bad case of Skyrimitis. Wait, I thought we were talking about the dragon?
In any case, Bethesda’s fifth entry into the series is due out in less than two weeks and the publisher has unloaded the new trailer above that transitions from concept art right into the actual in-game representations of said art. You’ll also find a load of concept art below. Some of it is recycled, but there are some new images down there for you to drool over as well.
If all of that still isn’t enough Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim media for you, then head on over to the game’s community site to listen in on the team’s latest podcast. Don’t go saying ol’ MTB never gave you anything.
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