New Trailer for Yakuza: Dead Souls Keeps Things Sylish

I hate zombies, but I love the Yakuza games. Is this a zero sum scenario?

There used to be an embeded media player here, but it doesn't work anymore. We blame the Tumbeasts.

Even half a decade after the release of the first entry in the franchise, Sega’s Yakuza is still not quite the household name it really ought be. Playing out like a last-gen mishmash of Shenmue and River City Ransom, it’s a niche series to be sure, but one that really warrants at least a shot from your average hardcore gamer.

In some sort of strange (and, in my humble opinion, desperate) attempt to reinvigorate the series, Sega has recently announced Yakuza: Dead Souls — a seemingly quick buck attempt to get people to actually notice a Yakuza game in the United States. The new trailer, seen above, shows off a bit of sizzle and the cast of the game which is comprised of iconic series members. Sadly, there is no gameplay featured at all in the trailer. We’ll like have to wait until we inch closer to the February release date before Sega shows off a bit more.

[Original source via Playstation Blog]

Jason Wersits
Jason Wersits
Jason Wersits

MASH Veteran

Jason Wersits is a Senior Editor for Mash Those Buttons. A lifetime resident of New Jersey and a diehard Starcraft fan, Jason spends the bulk of his time on the site working with the review staff to cover the games you care oh so much about.

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