Anyone who played the original Animal Crossing games surely remembers how much fun they were. They did a better job establishing the idea of time passing in games the same as it would in real life than any title that came before them. There’s not really any other game that lets players experience seasons and holidays like that.
Want to trick or treat? Play the game on Halloween at night. Want to see lights on the trees? Play the game on Christmas. Sure, it’s not the most politically correct game out there, but it still holds a warm place in my heart.
A few members of the development team of the upcoming 3DS entry in the series recently sat down to answer some questions about the sequel. Despite being an entirely new title, it’ll surely be challenging for the devs not to borrow at least the core gameplay mechanics from the originals.
First up in the video is the revelation that gamers will be able to be the town mayor. Being a good or bad local politician is apparently based on whether or not players decide to do anything as mayor. The scope of your power is not yet revealed.
Customization has always been a big part of Animal Crossing games, and that hasn’t changed this time around. Clothing can again be changed and patterned to the player’s liking, with some options to customize the pattern itself also being available. In this new version, pants and tops can be changed independently for the first time. Taller characters, for one, allow for some interesting possibilities in that regard. Girls and boys can wear whatever they want, so girls can wear pants and boys can wear skirts -although your character may not be super happy about it.
Also shown off are the improved visuals through clips in the video which display swimming as another interesting new features in the game. Animations, such as watering plants and whatnot, are far better looking than they have been in past iterations.
Not much else has changed, although there is still more to the game that has yet to be seen. The lack of change in the series has never really been a huge problem to fans, as some things are just meant to stay nostalgic.

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[Video via NintenDaanNC]