Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 Special Features

Motion control...well, can't say I'm that surprised.

 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13

So just in case you missed it, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 is coming out this year. I know that many of you are having trouble recovering from your shock that there is going to be another Tiger Woods game, but EA does want to make sure that all fans of the series are aware of the new features they are cramming into the game.

Some of these new features are motion controls for the Move and Kinect, and the game will have a new mechanic, known as Total Swing Control, to control the swing and power of players’ shots. The roster will have 22 licensed golfers available to play, as well as have a feature that lets players go through Tiger Wood’s greatest accomplishments in the Tiger’s Golf Legacy mode. There will also be online country clubs with friends, so people can compete against other gamers who have their own respective country clubs.

EA is also releasing a collectors edition for the game priced at $69.99. The people who shell out the extra cash for this can expect to get access to Augusta National Golf Club’s tournament practice facility, Augusta National’s famous Par 3 Course, and five addition championship courses. If you are really into the golfing scene this rendition of Tiger Woods PGA Tour might be right up you alley.

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 comes out on March 27th in North America and then worldwide on March 30th on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Mikey Kenney
Mikey Kenney
Mikey Kenney

Podcast Host

Mikey has been playing fighting games since he could reach the arcade stick and buttons. While not be ever being tournament ready he strives to do better. Loves pure action games and enjoying bonkers jrpgs. He's just you're average gaymer.

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