Robert Griffin III is the First Cover Athlete Chosen for NCAA Football 13

He might be the third, but he is the first Robert Griffin on an NCAA Football cover.

Heisman winner Robert Griffin III has been chosen to be front and center on the upcoming NCAA Football 13 cover. This former Baylor University quarterback will be accompanied by a fellow Heisman winner. The second athlete will be chosen out of eight candidates by voting on NCAA‘s Facebook page. The eight include: Marcus Allen, Doug Flutie, Eddie George, Desmond Howard, Barry Sanders, Herschel Walker, Charlie Ward and Andre Ware. Voting will start on March 12th.

Image via EA

Katie Horstman
Katie Horstman
Katie Horstman

Staff Writer

Katie has always had a connection to games and was able to make Super Mario Bros. a motion game before Nintendo even thought of the Wii. She has a serious addiction; an illness if you may, of loving ridiculous games. She has been through an extensive digital rehabilitation, but we fear her addiction is surfacing again.

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February 28th, 2025

WE'RE STILL ON KADARA!?!? How much more is there to do??? An Architect? An outpost? A party??? Lets get drunk!!!