Sine Mora Coming to PS Vita

Bullet time for the Vita

After Sine Mora’s great launch on Xbox LIVE Arcade, Digital Reality and Grasshopper Manufacture’s have decided to make it for the PlayStation Vita.  In the new version players will get a new hero, Wilhelmine Muller, and of course new weapons and chronomes.  This character comes from the Japanese studio G.rev’s shoot ’em up Under Defeat.

Cathy Rouleau
Cathy Rouleau
Cathy Rouleau

MASH Veteran

Cathy enjoys playing video games to relax/escape from a long day. She really likes puzzle games as well as games that have a strong female lead. She is also kind of a poor gamer (as in money), so she tends to pick her games carefully. That way she can get the maximum fun for the cheapest cost.

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