You can buy into the Don’t Starve beta.

Want to get into a beta?

Don't Starve

Are you interested in getting in on an early access beta and helping test a new game.  That’s exactly what Keli is doing.  For $6.99 you can get in to their early access beta of Don’t Starve: a new wilderness survival game described as being full of science and magic.  By buying now you get two beta copies and the full game when it comes out at no extra cost.  If you’re a little unsure you can always check out the free demo on their website. 

Cathy Rouleau
Cathy Rouleau
Cathy Rouleau

MASH Veteran

Cathy enjoys playing video games to relax/escape from a long day. She really likes puzzle games as well as games that have a strong female lead. She is also kind of a poor gamer (as in money), so she tends to pick her games carefully. That way she can get the maximum fun for the cheapest cost.

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February 28th, 2025

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