There is very little that’s quite like a long nighttime drive. I’m not sure what happens to my mind during those times, but there’s something about the endless night that just makes me really think about important aspects of my life. It’s a weird phenomenon I’m sure most people who’ve been on long nighttime drives have gone through before, but it’s one that always seems to be better when shared with another person. I’ve had some of the most interesting conversations in my life while driving through the night with a friend, opening up about things that I’d never dream about saying in the daytime. What is it about these times that is so different? I’m not sure, but Silverstring Media’s Glitchhikers is looking to explore it.
Glitchhikers is a game about taking a long drive at night with someone you’ve picked up on the side of the road. It seems that the person you pick up is randomized, and you will be given conversation options based on which person you get and the way you choose to answer their questions. It’s an odd idea for a game, but I think it might stir up some interesting thoughts in me while I play it. I’m really curious what sort of things the game will bring up.
It’ll be available for free in April, so it won’t be long before I can enjoy the experience. It’s definitely not the kind of game that’s for everyone, but I love me some strange experiences in games, especially ones that make me think about myself. I kind of hope there’s a subtle creepiness in some of the conversations, though, as while having deep thoughts is a big part of a nighttime drive, so is being nervous of what’s out there in the dark. What can I say? When given time to think by myself in the dark, I tend to eventually turn to weird things and scare myself.