It's just you and your droids in Duskers.
Thoughts on the what it means to tackle a challenge a second time and fail repeatedly.
Jotun's combat video update gives you a VERY early look at fighting these titans.
Crystal Dynamics doesn't give a real reason why Rise of the Tomb Raider is an XBox One exclusive.
Share Play lets your friends play your games without buying them. is restricting VOD storage and enforcing copyrights.
Activision CEO says there is an industry-wide downward trend for pre-orders.
168 hours of Battlefield 4 Game Time for those that take advantage of this promotion.
Most people celebrate turning 10 with a rousing game of pin the tail on the donkey. WoW does it by bringing back old raids and PVP and giving you a corgi.
EA says that EA Access is for everyone and doesn't require an XBox Live subscription.
Assassin's Creed Rogue is coming to XBox 360 and Playstation 3 on November 11th.
Toxikk levels the playing field and brings arena shooters back to their roots.
God bless America! Broforce and The Expendables 3 team up for the good of us all.
Will white XBox Ones finally be available to the public?