Geo and SpryFox cover the latest poll, Taking the Angle, where they discuss the dream duo comp, hot mics, the best gun sights, plus much more! Make sure to join us this week for the promised, highly requested, Battle of the Accents!


Garret Seay

Hello, Garrett here, but the video gaming community knows me by Geo. My PC story started out with Overwatch and now it’s begun to expand to games like Apex Legends. Join me as we rock the video gaming world! Origins gamertag: BeardedPoggers

Stuart Young

Playing video games all throughout his life and as the co-host for Ready Room, Stuart thrives on the FPS genre. Strategy, cunning, and puns are his favorite tools to bring to the fight.

The Latest from Mash

Squad Goals #82: Return to Eos
January 16th, 2025

This week we return to Eos where there's Kett, a place named Advent, children in one form or another, and an Architect!