Noir is a style that has been incorporated into video games because of the storytelling potential of “A city with no hope”. “Detectives”, “Dames”, and “Justice” makes for a great story, and with the right mechanics it can create a memorable game. Previous games such as Bioshock: Burial at Sea, The Wolf among Us, Hotel Dusk, Snatcher, Indigo Prophecy, Grimm Fandango (this is going further than I care to admit) have received great praise or became cult classics. Developed by A Crowd of Monsters, Blue and Bullets is a rather ambitious title in which you play Elliot Ness, the main protagonist and sole reason for Al Capone’s incarceration. Al Capone is back, not as an enemy, but as someone looking for help as he employs Ness to find his daughter and (in true noir style) uncover a conspiracy that’ll blow his world wide open.
Detectives, Dames, and Justice: Blues and Bullets [Review]

Episode 1 of Blues and Bullets gets Noir right according to Dre. That doesn't mean it doesn't have it's problems, though.