Inferno+ [Review]

So Many Colors, It's Like a Rainbow In Your Eyes!


So once again Radiangames has smacked us in the face with a brilliant and wonderful upgrade to their shooter series Inferno+. If you enjoy legal addiction — depending on what’s legal in your region — you’ll gladly welcome this.

Inferno+ is a unique RPG dungeon crawler with over the top shooter characteristics that will challenge and entertain even the most hardcore gamers out there. The main aspect of the game is to navigate through multiple stages while almost 99% of the time gunning down a large amount of aggressive energy-filled enemies. The constant tension and excitement created by the colorful scenery and explosive action makes this game hard to put down. You the player are a circular craft about as big as a quarter that shoots lasers, drops bombs, and uses an energy shield in order to live and see another day. For anyone who has ever played games made by Radian you know that there is never a story involved. You can just pretend like there is and make up your own story, I guess.

The enemies of the game are quite florescent and simple, but definitely pack a punch if you’re not careful. They range from energy turrets all the way to big blobs that, once popped, shoot out deadly projectiles. What makes the enemies so challenging is one moment you’re one on one with a turret and the next moment you’re being rushed by a horde of homing energy balls. Sometimes the amount of enemies can be a little overbearing but it never puts a damper on the excitement this game brings.


Blowing up neon bad guys and destroying funky looking blobs wouldn’t be a wonderful challenge if there aren’t any cool weapons to help you out. As you begin each stage you are given one point to use towards enhancements that will help to keep yourself alive a little longer. The power-ups range from giving increased health to rapid fire and shock shields. While playing through the game you can collect tokens that will give you bombs or drones which help greatly in keeping you alive. Drones are basically a miniature version of your character that follow you around and assist by simultaneously shooting with you. In the shop you can purchase an upgrade that will increase the amount of drones you receive. All of these increasing  upgrades being brought into play with each level gave me a constant thrill and yearning to play this game. Though Inferno+ ranges between three difficulties, this game is really challenging no matter the setting.

The way that the controls of the game have been laid out are splendid and make the game easily accessible for any body with motor skills and a computer to play it on. The default button setup is laid with ‘A’, ‘S’, ‘W’, and ‘D’ being the cardinal movements, and using the mouse to aim and shoot, use your shield, and use your bombs. They also have an alternate setup for those who would like to use a controller. You have to use a controller with two analog sticks for the moving and shooting but you can assign everything else to the buttons. Really spiffy if you ask me.


There’s not much negativity that can be thrown at a game like this. Inferno+ is the type of game that anyone can get into and have a blast. I know that I enjoyed every last bit of it, right down to my eyes starting to hurt from being glued to the screen for so long. This game is one that I would highly recommend to anyone who enjoys life.

Robert Emerson
Robert Emerson
Robert Emerson


Enjoys nothing more then whooping on the competition with low tier characters, going on adventures, and doing professional bear wrestling during his free time. Oh, and he hates Dickwolves.

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