201X: Best Games of the Decade Cover

201X: Best Games of the Decade

2020 is right around the corner, so as this decade wraps up we decided to take a look back over the past 10 years and list our favorite games! 201X will take a year by year look at games and rank the the top 10. There are bound to be a few surprises with our lock-in system that allows a host one game per year that definitely makes the top 10. Join Jaa, Christina, and Mikey as they break down their picks for the top games of each year.

Executive Producer
Jarret Redding
Jarret Redding
Associate Producer
Christina Zammarrelli
Mikey Kenney
Nick Zielenkievicz


Jarret Redding

Jarret is Executive Director as well as one of the founding members of Mash Those Buttons. He plays all types of games, but tends to lean more toward FPS, Stealth, and Combat games.

Christina Zammarrelli

Gaming has been a core part throughout Poptarts life. Though her specialty is JRPGs, she tries to branch out and try new things. Most of her time gets put into the MMORPG, Final Fantasy XIV, but she still finds time to play new games.

Mikey Kenney

Mikey has been playing fighting games since he could reach the arcade stick and buttons. While not be ever being tournament ready he strives to do better. Loves pure action games and enjoying bonkers jrpgs. He's just you're average gaymer.

More Episodes

December 3rd, 2019

Welcome to 201X: Best Games of the Decade!

Best Games of 2011
December 12th, 2019

A year of sequels, dragons, crazy robots, and reviving dead franchises.

Best Games of 2012
December 16th, 2019

In 2012 old favorites returned, journeys ended, and more than one sleeper hit snuck up on us.

Best Games of 2013
December 19th, 2019

The final year of the console generation went out with a bang and dropped some big titles.

Best Games of 2014
December 26th, 2019

First year of the new console generation, but maybe the weakest of the decade.

Best Games of 2015
January 2nd, 2020

Several series came to an end in 2015, but a few new ones began.

Best Games of 2016
January 7th, 2020

2016 was the year of the first person game. DOOM, Overwatch, and Titanfall 2 just to name a few.

Best Games of 2017
January 15th, 2020

Resident Evil returned to true horror, Nier brought us along on a weird ride, Cuphead frustrated us in the most beautiful way.

Best Games of 2018
January 23rd, 2020

If 2016 was the year of the FPS, 2018 was the year of the single-player epic.

Best Games of 2019
January 31st, 2020

Remedy releases a good game again, EA releases a respectable Star Wars title, and Capcom is on fire.

Best Games of the Decade
February 10th, 2020

We've made it through all 10 years of the decade, and now it's time to narrow down our top 10 games of the decade.