The Spring update is coming on April 12 with new PVE content and PVP/PVE tuning, Bungie’s “new” creative lead leaves the company after 13 years, our favorite moments from our time with Destiny from the alpha/beta, and questions from you the fans in our segment, “Messages From The Reef”.

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Game of the week recommendation: Star Fox Zero. It looks to be very similar to Star Fox 64 and looks to have multiple control options leading to lots of different play styles. I’m really looking forward to this coming out on April 22nd so make sure you check it out if you have a Wii U.


Jorge Veguilla

Born in the 80's, given a NES and Gameboy at a young age, Jorge grew up in gaming and experienced gaming in many cultures due to moving around the world. Now in New Jersey, an older Jorge continues his journey in gaming. Adobo included.

David Schnoes

Been gaming since birth and he\'s not gonna stop now. Call of Duty was the first shooter that pulled him in and his love for shooters has developed into a love of Destiny. He\'s now a Guardian, proud to protect the traveler and slay my foes in Crucible.

The Latest from Mash

Squad Goals #88: Still on Kadara
February 28th, 2025

WE'RE STILL ON KADARA!?!? How much more is there to do??? An Architect? An outpost? A party??? Lets get drunk!!!