Dawn Of The Red Legion
Final D2 prep is underway as the new game is set for launch! In Orbit discusses this and your questions with Wilhe1m Scream....
Official Intros to EDZ (Devrim Kay), Hawthorne, Cayde 6, Official Launch Trailer
Destiny 2 PC Beta pre-install begins Friday, Aug 25th @ 10am Pacific Time via Battle.net. PC controls previewed
PAX Schedule Details
EDZ Videos From Bungie, IGN, Game Informer, and More!
Messages From The Reef
Juan Diaz – At the end of the mission we all played in the Beta when Gary kicked our faces out…what do you think will happen after that moment? In my opinion we will decide if we wanna stay with our same face,race look,etc or we restart as new guardians and then we’ll see all the new options Bungie made for us. And what would you say if the only way to gain your light back is trough the Raid…?
Jamie Broome – So you feel Bungie have revealed too much information and footage about Destiny 2?
David Schnoes – What is your opinion on the spoilers leaking, and coming out after the embargo?
DSB Overlord – Thoughts on the scope of character customization?
JDog_12345 – Will we ever see a Destiny porn parody?
JustinYnolds – Are we going to have the same factions? New Factions? More than 3 factions?
Defcon01 – With the hunter class ability being a dodge, what do you think they replaced that skill w/ on the Night Stalker subclass (assuming it IS indeed coming back)?
Streamer Of The Week
Twitter: stricksh0t
Facebook: www.facebook.com/stricksh0t
Twitch: twitch.tv/stricksh0t
Stream times vary; check out his social media for information. He wants you to know his chat is a chill place and wants to emphasize that with his viewers.
Born in the 80's, given a NES and Gameboy at a young age, Jorge grew up in gaming and experienced gaming in many cultures due to moving around the world. Now in New Jersey, an older Jorge continues his journey in gaming. Adobo included.
A former professional cyclist, gaming has always been Jordan\\\'s preferred method of stress-relief. Traditionally an action RPG\\\'er, he has recently been ensnared in the modern MMO/RPG/FPS genre, and talks about it as a host of In Orbit.
Rei and Eric are acheiving things, Kura is crafting, and Nick says that all these rewards are not enough.
Plundestorm and Turbulent TImeways are up, but we can't stop going back to Dragonflight. What's old is new again!
The outbreak in Jakarta, the aftermath of the outbreak in Boston, and our first look at Clickers.
We finally let the Moshae go home to reveal the secret of Aya's vault. Also, we are now free to move about the city.
In Orbit is available on major podcast platforms. Search for it in your podcast platform of choice or use one of the links below.