Its a Mash Those Buttons team-up! WoW! Talk!, The Tauren & the Goblin, and Watchpoint Radio all come together to talk about all the news from Blizzcon 2017! Jarret from WPR joins Nick, Rei, and Eric from WoW! Talk! to discuss Hanzo and Alexstraza coming to Heroes of the Storm! Nick thinks that the end of the cinematic is the beginning of Destiny 2 characters coming, but Jarret disagrees. Then, they discuss the new Kobolds and Catacombs expansion for Hearthstone, and Nick praises Ben Brode’s presentation during the opening ceremony.

Then, Jarret talks about Overwatch’s new hero Moira. He doesn’t think she’s a good addition to the game. They also discuss the Reinhardt cinematic which was good. The best part of Overwatch however was Blizzardworld, a theme park map which Jarret did not care for because it was a payload map, but otherwise has a ton of flavor and is awesome for any Blizzard fan to experience. Nick then interviews Bob from Watchpoint Radio who is on-site at Blizzcon to talk about playing Moira on the showfloor and the various people he met at Blizzcon.

Finally, the gang talks about World of Warcraft’s newest expansion, Battle for Azeroth. Everyone gushes over the cinematic, which may well be the best cinematic Blizzard has ever put out. Nick brings up Classic Wow, and Nick and Jarret get into an argument about whether WoW or Overwatch is currently making Blizzard more money. Then the gang runs through the new features coming in Battle for Azeroth which is going to be exciting. FInally, Nick interviews Katie from The Tauren & the Goblin who was at Blizzcon to talk about the giant diorama onsite and the panels and craziness of Blizzcon.

Thank you for listening to Mash Those Buttons special! Be sure to check out Watchpoint Radio, WoW! Talk!, and the Tauren & the Goblin!


Nick Zielenkievicz

Host of WoW! Talk! and The Tauren & The Goblin. Sometimes known as the Video Games Public Defender. Wants to play more Destiny and Marvel Heroes but WoW is all-consuming. Decent F2P Hearthstone player. Sad that he lost the Wii that had Wrecking Crew on it. Would be happy if the only game ever made was M.U.L.E. Gragtharr on Skywall-US. Garresque on Ravencrest-US.

Jarret Redding

Jarret is Executive Director as well as one of the founding members of Mash Those Buttons. He plays all types of games, but tends to lean more toward FPS, Stealth, and Combat games.

Rei Liou

Rei is the 1 of the 5 SEELE members and the Ops Director at MTB. She enjoys anime, baking, cooking, gaming ( fighting, puzzle, rhythm, RPGs ), and spending WAY too much time working on spreadsheets. Current Games: Tales of Crestoria, WoW

Eric Knutson

Auto mechanic, car enthusiast, gamer, runner and almost never serious, Eric has been ditching responsibilities and gaming since age 7. His favorite genres are FPS and racing, although most of his game time is currently spent on WoW

Bob Schissler

IT System Engineer by day, avid gamer by night! Bob has been gaming his entire life and first started standing on a chair playing the arcade version of Super Mario Bros. Now he plays all kinds of games but focuses mainly on Overwatch.

Katie Grace

Katie is a long time gamer who has fallen in love with multiple genres. She started young by playing Nintendo 64, Spyro, and Blizzard games such as Warcraft II with family, then eventually moved into playing games in both my leisure time and as a occupation. She loves being immersed in different universes and exploring the characters that live in them, as well as just playing games for a good time.

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