I love chaotic games! Games where things are hectic, the odds are stacked, and a screen packed full of enemies. So naturally, when I heard about Bullet Storm my interest was peaked. Bullet Asylum is the latest game from Uber Geek Games due out this fall on PC, XBox 360, and Windows Phone 7. According to the trailer, Bullet Asylum is UberGeek’s answer to Microsoft’s challenge they put out to developers. Microsoft said, “Do something epic” and apparently UberGeekGames did.
UberGeekGames was formed in 2008 near the launch of the XBox Live Indie Games marketplace. There are currently two members; Ian (Founder/Hobbyist Programmer/Code Ninja) and Joel (Artist). They have released several games for XBLIG including Super Avatar Hero Force, The MANLY Game, and Awesome Tank. They are no strangers to the indie game world and it looks like they’ll be one of the first developers to make a mark on the Windows Phone 7 platform. Bullet Asylum has been in development since June of 2010 and got its title from the insane amount of bullets on the screen. While there are other games that are similar, Bullet Asylum has some features that definitely sets it apart from the rest.
UberGeek wanted the game to pack as many bullets, enemies, and particles on-screen as possible while providing silky smooth HD visuals; something that will no doubt enhance the game play. This isn’t just a point and shoot game; you will be able to purchase and upgrade towers in-game. There are three main weapon types. Machine guns have a high rate of fire but do low damage. Cannons have massive direct and splash damage but with a lower rate of fire, and Lasers incinerate everything but are difficult to obtain and have the slowest rate of fire.
So how do you purchase these weapons? Cities! Cities will protect your towers with shields and provide currency. You gain currency based on the number of cities you have as well as their power levels. Cities don’t just appear though; you need to purchase cities the same way you purchase weapon towers. So with the currency you have you need to make a choice. Purchase a new tower, upgrade a tower, or purchase a new city so you can purchase more towers later. I’ve never seen a shooter that incorporated economy into a game real time so this will be quite interesting.
I’m really looking forward to Bullet Asylum; the game play feels intense and the visuals look awesome. There is no doubt in my mind that this will not only rock on WP7, but also on the PC and 360 as well. UberGeek put together an extended game play video which you will find below. If you can watch this and then not want to play the game… well I just don’t know you the way I thought I did.