Dragon Age 2 Demo Available Today, Bioware Announces Contest

The Dragon Age 2 demo arrives today with a download contest to boot.


Role-playing game fans anxiously anticipating the upcoming release of Dragon Age 2 can rest a little bit easier after today.  Eager gamers can download an official demo for Dragon Age 2 by the end of the day on XBox 360 and Playstation Network.  A PC demo will also be available later on today as well.  While the demo offers gamers a chance to see the changes made in Dragon Age 2’s more streamlined combat engine, there is also an added incentive in the form of Bioware’s “Call to Arms” event.

Bioware is currently holding a contest to reach over 1,000,000 downloads of the Dragon Age 2 demo before March 1st.  If this milestone is reached, two extra pieces of downloadable content will be available for anyone who picks up Dragon Age 2 on its March 8th release.  The two new items, which give an added experience boost and extra in-game currency, are as follows:

The Far Cliffs of Kirkwall

The Far Cliffs of Kirkwall – Written by a Fereldan refugee as she fled the Blight, this book of poems describes her dreams of a new start in Kirkwall, the city across the sea. Readers will surely be enriched by her insights. (Gives money when read.)

Lothering’s Lament

Lothering’s Lament – Written by a Fereldan refugee as she fled the Blight, this book of poems contains touching reminiscences of all she had to leave behind. Readers will surely benefit from her experience. (Gives XP boost when read.)

Additional information for the “Call to Arms” event can be read on Bioware’s official page for the contest located here.

Jason Wersits
Jason Wersits
Jason Wersits

MASH Veteran

Jason Wersits is a Senior Editor for Mash Those Buttons. A lifetime resident of New Jersey and a diehard Starcraft fan, Jason spends the bulk of his time on the site working with the review staff to cover the games you care oh so much about.

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