Rockstar Releases L.A. Noire Launch Trailer

Welcome to homicide, detective.

With just one week to go before the release of Team Bondi’s crime-thriller, L.A. Noire, publisher Rockstar has given us one last trailer. The video offers a brief glimpse into Detective Cole Phelps’ trial by fire in the homicide department. As you can glean from the trailer, walking the straight and narrow won’t be easy for Cole; a lot of bad men on both sides of the law are willing to go to extreme lengths to impede his investigations.

MTB will have a full review of L.A. Noire shortly after its release.

[Image courtesy of Rockstar Games.]

Nick Santangelo
Nick Santangelo
Nick Santangelo

MASH Veteran

Nick has been a gamer since the 8-bit days and a member of the MTB editorial team since January of 2011. He is not to be interrupted while questing his way through an RPG or desperately clinging to hope against all reason that his Philly sports teams will win any given game he may be watching. Seriously folks, reading this acknowledges that you relieve MTB of any and all legal liability for his actions.

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