E3: Ninja Gaiden 3 on Wii U is Upgraded Take on 360/PS3 Version

That's not a misprint. Nintendo's console is actually getting the better version of a major hardcore game.

When Nintendo showed some quick footage of Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge during its conference, it was interesting for several reasons. Here was one of gaming’s bloodiest, most hardcore action franchises making its way over to a console from the manufacturer that is viewed by many as the king of casual. More intriguing yet, was that the video we saw looked an awful lot like the 360/PS3 game, titled simply: Ninja Gaiden 3. Was it really possible that Nintendo was getting the same game, rather than a watered down port or spin-off from the “B” team?

Team Ninja’s Fumihiko Yasuda has informed Joystiq that Razor’s Edge will actually be the 360/PS3 version with some additional content. Seeing as this sort of thing basically never happened with the Wii, we were pretty shocked to hear that. “Ninja Gaiden 3 for PS3 and 360 is the base of the Wii U version,” Yasuda said. “Of course, we understood that we would need to implement a particular gameplay experience with Wii U, so we are studying what we can do with that console. We’re thinking of different modes and different combat action — something different.”

So there you have it, Razor’s Edge will be Ninja Gaiden 3 with added content that utilizes U’s touchscreen controller. Nintendo publicly stated in the lead-up to E3 2011 that they their incoming console would be more powerful than any of the current crop of systems and that it would zero in on the hardcore audience that the Wii mostly missed out on. It’s one thing to make statements like that; it’s a whole ‘nother ballgame to actually give proof of that happening. And while one single game does not a generation of hardcore bliss make, this is a good start.

[Source: Joystiq]

[Image via Hobby News.]

Nick Santangelo
Nick Santangelo
Nick Santangelo

MASH Veteran

Nick has been a gamer since the 8-bit days and a member of the MTB editorial team since January of 2011. He is not to be interrupted while questing his way through an RPG or desperately clinging to hope against all reason that his Philly sports teams will win any given game he may be watching. Seriously folks, reading this acknowledges that you relieve MTB of any and all legal liability for his actions.

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