Epic Details Gears of War 3 Unlocks for Veteran Gears Players

If you like shiny things, you may want to spend the next few months revisiting the first two Gears titles.

Gears of War 3

You may have already heard the news that Epic will reward those who played the previous Gears games by handing out bonuses in Gears of War 3; what you haven’t heard, however, is just how that’s going to work, and what you’re going to be rewarded with. The wait is now over because Rod Fergusson, executive producer on GoW3, has spilled the beans to MTV.

“It’s mostly around weapon skins in terms of tying into historical stuff. Two of the ones…I guess we haven’t announced this but we have to announce it eventually, right? Two of the weapon skins are based on historical weapon skins, so if you want the gold lancer and the gold hammerburst in ‘Gears 3,’ you get them by owning the gold hammerburst and the gold lancer in ‘Gears 2,’ so those skins transfer over.”

The most common unlockable will be a plethora of chrome skins handed out to gamers who scored select achievements in past Gears iterations. “If you did something in ‘Gears’ PC you get a chrome skin, if you did something in ‘Gears 2’ you get a chrome skin. The chrome set is sort of our thank you to people who played our games in the past.” As an example of the system, MTV points to “the chrome hammerburst, which required the Rookie Gear achievement (get to level 5 in “Gears of War 2″ multiplayer).”

Delving a little further, Fergusson made clear how much he and his team love achievements, and basing in-game rewards off of them. “Generally, whenever we do unlocks, we do it based on achievements. That’s why I’ve been trying to tell people about the level 100 thing. No, it’s not about getting level 100 [in ‘Gears of War 2’ multiplayer] , it’s about Veteran Gear. Get that achievement and that’ll get you something. I don’t care if you’re level 100, you have to have the Veteran Gear achievement.” For those not in the loop, in order to unlock that achievement, you must reach level 100 and then proceed to win a match on all four of the Gears of War 2 Snowblind DLC maps.

If you’re sitting around grumbling about how difficult that is, know that Fergusson and his crew feel your pain. “Some of us don’t have all the ‘Gears 1’ achievements,” he remarked. “The ranked achievements are so hard. So we have a night planned where 20 of us are going to sit in a room and play Ranked ‘Gears 1’ just to get our achievements.” If you haven’t already, you better get cracking on that yourself, lest you be branded a loser because of your chrome-free arsenal.

[Source: MTV]

Nick Santangelo
Nick Santangelo
Nick Santangelo

MASH Veteran

Nick has been a gamer since the 8-bit days and a member of the MTB editorial team since January of 2011. He is not to be interrupted while questing his way through an RPG or desperately clinging to hope against all reason that his Philly sports teams will win any given game he may be watching. Seriously folks, reading this acknowledges that you relieve MTB of any and all legal liability for his actions.

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