Liquid Electronics Mobile Game Launches

What once was a $99 electronic toy is now a $0.99 mobile game exclusively on iTunes.

Liquid Electronics

SET TO STUN Inc. has made a very unique venture into the mobile arena with their newest game Liquid Electronics. Initially it was an electronic toy that was going to be made by Hasbro/Tiger Electronics, but proved to be too expensive to bring to market. Gamers can nab Liquid Electronics for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch for the price of ninety-nine cents.

The title actually features five different games in one package. The first game is called Light Tag. In it, players must move the colored liquid and ‘tag’ a randomly posisitioned red flashing light when it appears on the screen. The goal is to tag each light per level while earning points. Levels will progressively get harder as the red light moves faster across the screen.

The second game is called Splitter. The objective of this one is to hold a liquid over green colored lights until all lights on the level are completely covered. As the difficulty increases, more green lights randomly appear making the player split the liquid and control more than one liquid at a time to cover the liquids.

Next up is Splitter Extreme. Extreme is just a harder version of Splitter that reduces the time and causes the player to split more liquid to cover all the lights.

Sound Match is the fourth game. In this one, there are 13 red lights that each give off a sound when you touch them with a liquid. The player’s job is to match all the sounds together using the liquid. Once the player has matched all 13 liquids the board will be cleared to add a new set of 13 lights and sounds.

The fifth and final game is called Obey Commands. It shows players a path follow through certain lights. The player then must remember the sequence and follow the path exactly without touching the wrong light in the sequence that was previously shown.

Liquid Electronics  looks to be a solid addition to the ever growing market of iOS games. All five games appear to have some strong addicting qualities and could prove to be real time killers when on the go. And don’t forget that you also get five different games for 99 cents, and that’s a hard deal to beat.

Mikey Kenney
Mikey Kenney
Mikey Kenney

Podcast Host

Mikey has been playing fighting games since he could reach the arcade stick and buttons. While not be ever being tournament ready he strives to do better. Loves pure action games and enjoying bonkers jrpgs. He's just you're average gaymer.

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