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Recent news out of Destructoid has announced the release of two major Nintendo Gameboy classics onto the 3DS eShop later this year. It appears that both Super Mario Land 2 and Metroid II: Return of Samus will be making a digital debut on the UK version of the eShop. While it is yet undetermined as to whether we’ll see the two titles released on the North American marketplace, it’s at least good to see Nintendo trying to get their more popular portable black-and-white games out there. It certainly bodes well for at least the immediate future of the 3DS virtual console and helps to calm some of those doubts stemming from the lackluster DSi Ware library of games.
Although a US release is still up in the air, I welcome you to enjoy the Japanese commercial for Metroid II, one of my own personal favorite portable games from when I was a wee nerd.
[video taken from MetroidDatabase’s Youtube feed]