New Men in Black Video Game

The Men in Black are back.

Men In Black

That’s right; Activision and Columbia Pictures have announced a new Men in Black video game to coincide with the new Men in Black III movie, set to come out in the spring of 2012.  The new game will be staying true to the franchise’s fans and will utilize the Men in Black mythology to build on the history, so we will be seeing some familiar faces and some new ones too. Precise platforms were not revealed, with the publisher only willing to confirm that the title will release for both consoles and handhelds.

Cathy Rouleau
Cathy Rouleau
Cathy Rouleau

MASH Veteran

Cathy enjoys playing video games to relax/escape from a long day. She really likes puzzle games as well as games that have a strong female lead. She is also kind of a poor gamer (as in money), so she tends to pick her games carefully. That way she can get the maximum fun for the cheapest cost.

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