New Trailer for Shinobi 3DS Isn’t so Stealthy

Ninjas are 40% less sneaky when seen in 3D.

There used to be an embeded media player here, but it doesn't work anymore. We blame the Tumbeasts.

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen Sega’s flagship ninja anywhere. The last Shinobi game was way back on the PlayStation 2 (no, we do not count Nightshade), but Sega will be bringing back the red-scarfed assassin on the 3DS this week. The aptly named Shinobi 3DS will be out Tuesday and Sega has released a launch trailer for the title to remind you about that all ninjas love shredding guitar soundtracks.

Jason Wersits
Jason Wersits
Jason Wersits

MASH Veteran

Jason Wersits is a Senior Editor for Mash Those Buttons. A lifetime resident of New Jersey and a diehard Starcraft fan, Jason spends the bulk of his time on the site working with the review staff to cover the games you care oh so much about.

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