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When Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath was released last generation, it did so on a slowly dying console and to an uniformed audience. Critically well-regarded and with a very small but devout fan base, the last installment in the Oddworld series was a terrific shooter with a warped sense of humor, enjoyable weapon mechanics, and solid narrative. For those few who played it, it stands firmly as one of the best obscure games for the original Xbox.
Fortunately, Stranger’s Wrath is getting the popular HD treatment as an upcoming release in the next few weeks. Just today, it’s been confirmed that Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD will be debuting on December 27 on PSN for $15. In addition to a higher resolution and better textures, the re-release will also include a number of tweaks to the mechanics and game world. It’s as close to a director’s cut that Oddworld fans (all eight of us) will ever get. Interested gamers can read a bullet list of the new changes on the Playstation Blog.