The Spicy Bois talk Apex patch 1.2, the Legendary Hunt event, and all the fun (and not so fun) changes that came along with it! Is Respawn messing up, or are they justified in making changes and fixing bugs that have become integral to the pro meta?

We also talk about the Apex content creator community, and why it’s not coming together.

Join us as we discuss the current state of Apex Legends, Respawn, and the community, as a whole on the latest Dropping Spicy!


Josh Kinder

9 year podcast veteran, former host on The SOGOpod, Fragging Out, and Watchpoint Radio. Kinder has been gaming since before he could walk, and specializes in gaming industry insight, development commentary, and toilet humor!

Garret Seay

Hello, Garrett here, but the video gaming community knows me by Geo. My PC story started out with Overwatch and now it’s begun to expand to games like Apex Legends. Join me as we rock the video gaming world! Origins gamertag: BeardedPoggers

Mikey Kenney

Mikey has been playing fighting games since he could reach the arcade stick and buttons. While not be ever being tournament ready he strives to do better. Loves pure action games and enjoying bonkers jrpgs. He's just you're average gaymer.

The Latest from Mash

Squad Goals #82: Return to Eos
January 16th, 2025

This week we return to Eos where there's Kett, a place named Advent, children in one form or another, and an Architect!