Mash Those Buttons is pleased to present Watchpoint Radio: our official podcast dedicated to Overwatch and its community. Luckily for us, Beta came back just in time, and with a bunch of changes.

In this episode talk about the new progression system – how it works, what kind of rewards, and how deeply you can customize your character. Blizzard has revealed how they plan to monetize the game (after the initial $40-$60 of course), so we discuss how we think that will impact the game as well as try to predict the exchange rate for RL money to OW currency. We go through the LONG list of character balance updates, as well as a few general changes as well. Most character balances feel right, while some don’t sit too well with Jarret and Jason. Additionally, Blizzard has made some changes to the UI, added in some config options players have been asking for, and added a brand new career menu so you can bask in your own glory. All this and more on this episode of Watchpoint Radio!


Jarret Redding

Jarret is Executive Director as well as one of the founding members of Mash Those Buttons. He plays all types of games, but tends to lean more toward FPS, Stealth, and Combat games.

Jason Bond

Jason has been a gamer since the days of the Atari, starting off with games like Pong, and leading all the way up to games like Final Fantasy on the PS2. He then discovered the battlefield series in 2004 on the PC and it was done. An avid gamer, lover of music and all things PC, Jason strives to show users that PC gaming is not dead, so lock an load!

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Squad Goals #88: Still on Kadara
February 28th, 2025

WE'RE STILL ON KADARA!?!? How much more is there to do??? An Architect? An outpost? A party??? Lets get drunk!!!