Happy Anniversary, Heroes!
Overwatch Anniversary event, recent character balance, Overwatch Contenders, and SR Boosting services....
No news from Blizzard regarding an anniversary event. Good thing we have XBox to leak info on the anniversary loot boxes! The Overwatch community has been pretty quiet in general, so it’s a pretty good time to bring on our new host: BlazzinBob (Bob Schissler)! Bob plays a ton of Overwatch — pretty much every night of the week. His main is Diamond level, so he’ll definitely bring a different perspective that the show has been missing.
Since this week has been pretty news dry we tackle a few other topics. We talk about our hopes for Season 5 as Season 4 comes to a close. We discuss a few interesting points from the Michael Chu AMA. We get into discussion whether or not the community would benefit from SR decay across all platforms. We also got some stats from the Uprising event that leaves Jaa a bit disappointed in the community. Finally, we open up a community discussion on whether or not heroes should have individual levels.
All that and more on this week’s Watchpoint Radio.
Jarret is Executive Director as well as one of the founding members of Mash Those Buttons. He plays all types of games, but tends to lean more toward FPS, Stealth, and Combat games.
Mikey has been playing fighting games since he could reach the arcade stick and buttons. While not be ever being tournament ready he strives to do better. Loves pure action games and enjoying bonkers jrpgs. He's just you're average gaymer.
IT System Engineer by day, avid gamer by night! Bob has been gaming his entire life and first started standing on a chair playing the arcade version of Super Mario Bros. Now he plays all kinds of games but focuses mainly on Overwatch.
Joel and Ellie find Tommy, meet his wife, and Joel has a breakdown.
H-074C may not the Turian homeworld but it is home to Vetra's loyalty mission and the toughest fight in the game.
City of the Wolves beta impressions, Tekken 8's season 2 updates, MK1's character reveals, and Capcom Cup predictions.
WE'RE STILL ON KADARA!?!? How much more is there to do??? An Architect? An outpost? A party??? Lets get drunk!!!
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