Beta Round 2
Round 2 of Overwatch Beta has just kicked off. Jaa and Emery talk the good and bad that came with the updates....
Mash Those Buttons is diving into Overwatch with our new podcast: Watchpoint! Before we officially get started, though, we’d like to play a bit of catch up. This episode is one of four special editions talking about the roles and their characters. In this episode we talk Tank role and it’s characters which include D.VA, Zarya, Roadhog, Winston, and Reinhardt. While other shooters have heavily armored units, tanking feels a bit different in Overwatch. We’ll talk about the differences not only between others shooters, but also the tanks in the game; where they shine and where they don’t.
Jarret is Executive Director as well as one of the founding members of Mash Those Buttons. He plays all types of games, but tends to lean more toward FPS, Stealth, and Combat games.
Jason has been a gamer since the days of the Atari, starting off with games like Pong, and leading all the way up to games like Final Fantasy on the PS2. He then discovered the battlefield series in 2004 on the PC and it was done. An avid gamer, lover of music and all things PC, Jason strives to show users that PC gaming is not dead, so lock an load!
We discuss new Mai details, what went wrong with Multiversus, the City of the Wolves open beta, and Pink Floyd in MK1.
Bioware suffered a reorginization as the company prepares for Mass Effect 5 and Veilguard "underperformed."
Meeting FEDRA, Tess, Ellie, Marlene, and the Boston QZ
We're back again to dive into Season 1 of The Last of US TV Show!
Watchpoint Radio is available on major podcast platforms. Search for it in your podcast platform of choice or use one of the links below.