Reviews Archive (2010-2016)

Sequence [Review]
August 18th, 2011

Music meets adventure in this unusual hybrid from Iridium Studios

EDGE [Review]
August 16th, 2011

A delightful blend of modern and throwback puzzle bliss.

Chantelise [Review]
August 10th, 2011

Our heroes decide to disobey a legend and end up in an adventure to break a curse upon themselves.

Catherine [Review]
August 2nd, 2011

Vincent Brooks’ worst week ever makes for a wonderfully bizarre and very enjoyable experience, even in light of its shortcomings.

Jamestown [Review]
July 30th, 2011

Jamestown is an indie shoot-em-up that pays homage to its forerunners, but also blazes a brave new trail.

Bastion [Review]
July 19th, 2011

Supergiant's ode to the RPGs of old kicks off the Summer of Arcade in excellent fashion.

F.E.A.R. 3 [Review]
July 15th, 2011

Can Day 1 Studios meet the standard that Monolith's franchise has established?