I am continually amazed by The Game Kitchen's ability to make me afraid of pixelated places.
Reviews Archive (2010-2016)
FORCED puts you in an arena and "forces" you to be a better player.
Not only has Telltale Games fixed dialogue and morality in games, but also quick-time events. Slow down, guys. You're making some studios look bad.
A game riddled with bad puzzles, bad item searches, bad pacing, and bad horror.
Knock Knock lets you really feel what it's like to be lost and afraid in a terrible place.
Quantic Dream is trying to push the boundaries of video games, but in the process has seemed to forget what make a game a game.
How did Positech Games make a game about the government fun and interesting? HOW?!
Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut is not just shooting for game of the year this time; it is gunning for best horror game of all time.
NES Hard is back, and it wants your still-beating heart. It also wants to make poo jokes.
The latest game in the series raises the bar and doesn't disappoint.
A triumphant return to treasured Saturday mornings spent playing SNES RPGs.